當前位置: 首頁 > 產品中心 > 展覽/活動/道具工程製作> > 舞台及背幕裝拆
舞台可鐵架背幕可選用帆布或foamboard以作噴畫物料,備有多種尺寸選擇,亦可以度身訂造,細心照顧客戶不同的需要,本公司的專業安裝團隊經驗豐富,用料堅固,不論大型展覽、宣傳活動、演唱會、會場展覽佈置、舞台演出、會議、週年晚宴、頒獎典禮及特別慶典、開業慶典、嘉年華會,舞台背景,開幕儀式,週年慶典,天幕、主舞台背幕、攝影區背幕、嘉賓簽名區背幕、深圳慶典背幕簽名墻、深圳會展展覽背幕墻印製安裝、深圳開業慶典簽名墻印製安裝、簽名墻、BACKDROP 、BANNER等,令會場更完美。

You are also in the domestic activities in Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta Conference, Anniversary, opening ceremony and opening ceremony to prepare the stage backstage and troubles? Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Hong Kong through the printing can provide you Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta region back canvas high-definition canvas painting and stage installation and installation services, regardless of large-scale exhibitions, promotional activities, concerts, etc., framing team can create a perfect venue for you, By the past, customers trust. From printing to post-production even installation and clearance services and no need to add money within three days, more people into. Another display panel rental and background production, welcomed the inquiry! Quote or Inquiry Hotline: + (86) 755-8887 2754 Cantonese: + (86) 136 8955 5613 Wang Sheng
Can be used on the stage can be iron curtain background or canvas foamboard for painting material, with a variety of sizes, you can tailor-made, carefully take care of the different needs of customers, the company's professional installation team experienced, solid materials, Whether large-scale exhibitions, promotional activities, concerts, venue exhibition layout, stage performances, conferences, annual dinner, awards ceremony and special celebrations, opening ceremonies, carnivals, stage background, opening ceremony, anniversary celebrations, Photo Zone backstage, guest signature area backstage, Shenzhen celebration backstage signature wall, Shenzhen MICE exhibition curtain wall installation, Shenzhen opening ceremony signature wall printing installation, signature wall, BACKDROP, BANNER, so that the venue is more perfect.
展覽|宣傳活動|演唱會|會場展覽佈置|舞臺演出|會議|週年晚宴|頒獎典禮及特別慶典|開業慶典|嘉年華會|舞臺背景|開幕儀式|週年慶典|深圳背幕|主舞臺背幕|攝影區背幕|嘉賓簽名區背幕|深圳慶典背幕簽名墻|深圳會展展覽背幕墻印製安裝|深圳開業慶典簽名墻印製安裝|簽名墻|BACKDROP|BANNER舞臺安裝|背幕佈置|backdrop 設計|舞臺及背幕設計安裝|啞面帆布Wooden Backdro|畢業背幕|謝師宴|舞臺及背幕|展覽會佈置及搭建|Event活動製作|Backdrop背景板| 展板租用|背幕舞臺|背景板|專業舞臺|背幕製作|噴畫生產|設計及安裝|Backdrop 佈景板裝印|背幕製作|木製背幕|backdrop設計|backdrop印刷|backdrop公司|backdrop婚禮|backdrop design價錢|wedding backdrop製作|wedding backdrop價錢|backdrop design templates|舞臺梯級|網架Foamboard|Foamboard背幕|backdrop設計|backdrop印刷|backdrop公司|backdrop婚禮|wedding backdrop價錢|wedding backdrop製作|backdrop design價錢|舞臺梯級|backdrop design templates|深圳展覽|深圳宣傳活動|深圳演唱會|深圳會場展覽佈置|深圳舞臺演出|深圳會議背幕搭建|深圳週年晚宴|深圳頒獎典禮及特別慶典|深圳開業慶典背幕裝裱|深圳嘉年華會|深圳舞臺背景|深圳開幕儀式|深圳週年慶典|深圳背幕|深圳主舞臺背幕|深圳攝影區背幕|深圳嘉賓簽名區背幕|深圳簽名板搭建